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Can You Drink Tap Water in Delhi?
No, tap water is not drinkable.
Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Delhi.
To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for India, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.
The issue of contaminating Delhi’s tap water with drugs and other harmful chemicals is a very common topic among many citizens of Delhi. Many people will surely say no to the question but it is a little more complex than this. The people who live on the edge of the Delhi suburbs are more prone to pollution because they are nearer the railways, highways and by road. These individuals will definitely have contaminated drinking water on a regular basis. Those who reside in areas such as Karol Bagh in North Delhi will be in the danger zone, as there is no point in visiting this place without filtering your water first.
The main reason for the contamination of Delhi’s drinking water is its poor supply of freshwater. There are many companies that supply drinking water to different parts of Delhi and even to various private residences. They have come up with different filtration systems to ensure that the residents are safe from all the harmful contaminants of Delhi’s tap water. Those who have contacted the firms which provide quality standards of drinking water in Delhi will explore more about the subject of pure water and how the companies purify the water and purify it.
In fact, the main cause for the pollution of Delhi’s tap water is because it was not considered a part of the national purifying system or the one which was maintained for the protection of the environment. The Delhi government had to look after its drinking water facilities itself, which has made them lax in their standards. As a result, when we talk of pure drinking water, people who consider themselves as experts will tell you that it is possible only if the proper procedures are used for the purification of the raw material. If you have to filter or disinfect any item of daily use, you should make sure that the same is done using international standards.
Delhi Drinking Water Quality
Delhi, the capital city of India, is one of the most beautiful cities. This city is known for its natural beauty as well as historical monuments. When you want to visit this city, there are various ways through which you can reach it. If you want to have an easy ride then you can take Delhi Metro, which will take you directly to the airport and other important places. If you want a comfortable journey then you can use Delhi buses which will take you to different places. Another option for Delhi trip is to use Delhi taxi or rickshaws.
Every Indian city is known for its natural beauty but none of them are as beautiful as Delhi. You will be amazed to see the natural beauty of this city. There are many lakes, canals and rivers in this city and hence you will never get bored of visiting the various tourist attractions. If you want to have pure drinking water then it is very important that you have good quality drinking water at home or office. If you want to enjoy pure drinking water then there are many companies that provide drinking water in Delhi.
If you want to find quality drinking water then you can easily get it by using online shopping. All you have to do is to search for an online store and order the required amount of drinking water and the same shall be delivered to your home or office without any trouble. These companies provide quality drinking water and also provide homes or offices with safe tap water. If you are fed up with drinking contaminated water then you should change this attitude now. Make sure that you choose the best company to get quality water.
The construction industry of the city has left no stones untouched and what started out as just a posh boulevard and the posh restaurants have now turned into one of the largest construction projects of the country. Apart from the commercialization of the entire city, the other major aspect that has contributed to the rapid development of the city is the development and growth of different industries like IT, BPO, automobiles, pharmaceuticals and other such businesses.
All these industries require reliable and clean water for their manufacture of finished products. The main reason for the poor water supply in Delhi is the excessive use of garbage in the city. The accumulation of garbage in the city can result in various problems and one of them is poor water quality. There are various drainage networks in and around the city and all these drainage networks are controlled by the Delhi government. The accumulation of garbage in the city increases the burden on the drainage network and they are unable to cope up with the increasing load.
Since the drainage system is unable to handle this huge load, the entire process of water supply starts getting compromised. This is why Delhi has often been referred to as ‘The Venice of the East’. With such a big and sprawling city, surely there are bound to be problems with water quality. This is the major reason why the capital has repeatedly asked for World Health Organization (WHO) help to sort out this problem. In fact, WHO offers regular round the year training programs to provide guidance to the Delhi municipal corporation and its directors on water quality and how best to improve it. The capital has also signed a cooperation agreement with WHO in September last 2021 which states that Delhi would implement all the guidelines provided by WHO in order to bring about improvement in water quality.
Delhi Water Contaminants
Delhi has always been the most vulnerable city in terms of water contamination and diseases caused by water. This has been the case since the time when it was considered the capital of India by the British. The whole city is dotted with innumerable water springs, which provide the residents of the city with pure and clean drinking water.
However, the polluted air, water and soil make Delhi a health hazard to live in. When we talk about air, Delhi tops the list as one of the most polluted cities in the world. This is because the number of factories in the city has led to the emission of several harmful gases into the atmosphere. However, if you do your bit of research, you will come across various companies that have developed residential apartments in Delhi that are built according to ecological and safety standards.
If you are planning to rent a house in Delhi, it is important to know about the various environmental hazards in the area. There are many measures taken by the Delhi Government to tackle the problem of water contaminants. They have banned the use of open fires within the city limits as this causes major pollution of the atmosphere. They also conduct regular monitoring of the air quality, water quality and the condition of the groundwater in order to take preventive measures. You can find out more about the various water contaminants in Delhi from the Delhi government’s website.
What do people in Delhi think about the tap water?
- Never drink tap water.
- Bottled water is safe.
- Avoid ice unless you know it has been made without tap water. Be careful of fresh juices served at street stalls in particular“ they are likely to have been watered down with tap water or maybe served in jugs/glasses that have been rinsed in tap water.
- Avoid fruit that you don’t peel yourself, as it will likely have been rinsed in tap water. Alternatively, rinse fruit yourself in bottled water before you eat it.
- Boiling water is usually the most efficient method of purifying it.
- The best chemical purifier is iodine. It should not be used by pregnant women or those with thyroid problems.
- Water filters should also filter out most viruses. Ensure your filter has a chemical barrier such as iodine and a small pore size (less than four microns).
- Some guesthouses, cafes and restaurants use water filters; use your own judgment as to whether or not you think this will be safe to drink.

The estimated price of bottled water
$0.4 in USD (1.5-liter)
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
- Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
- Water Quality
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Delhi, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Related FAQS
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.