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Can You Drink Tap Water in Buenos Aires?
Yes, tap water is drinkable.
Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Buenos Aires.
To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for Argentina, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.
Buenos Aires Tap Water
Buenos Aires tap water is known to be very delicious. I can’t say it enough! For a long time, my friends and I would take a trip to our neighbors in the countryside, which is quite far from Buenos Aires but a few hours away. Every trip turned out to be an absolute fun-filled adventure because we would always get this excellent “Buenos Aires tap water” effect that they put in their bottled water there. And I didn’t even have to bring a bottle of it with me!
But when I got home, I did. I opened up my bottle of purified water and got to work right away. It was awesome. The first thing I noticed was the wonderful aroma. Like, you have this fresh, clean smell that permeates your entire body, coming from all different parts of your body. Then, your throat and tongue are tingling, and you’re pleased.
The second thing that I noticed was the taste. I was utterly blown away. The taste of this water was so strong and pure that you can practically drink it without swallowing any water. This is absolutely great, because usually when I buy a bottle of purified water at the store, it has all sorts of chemicals and other crap in it that actually harms the water and your body in general. So I was delighted that I could go out there and purchase this great-tasting Buenos Aires tap water.
Is it safe to drink the tap water in Buenos Aires, Argentina? The tap water in Buenos Aires, and in most parts of Brazil, is considered safe to drink. The British first engineered the water system in Buenos Aires in 1869, and now the water is as safe as, or better than, the tap water in the UK. It is important to note that the mineral content differs between each region in Argentina and people with more sensitive digestive systems may require longer to adjust to the water in various parts of the country. Those who prefer bottled or filtered water will have plenty of options as well.

During the purification process, the water treatment facilities in Buenos Aires carry out three systematic, simultaneous and complementary process controls:
- Online controls.
- The controls of the plant laboratories.
- The controls of the Central Laboratory.
These facilities comply with 59 international water quality standards. The Regulatory Framework defines the parameters by which the Department of the Environment and Energy creates and regulates these standards. These regulatory standards are in line with the requirements of the Argentine Food Code (CAA), and leading international guidelines, such as those set by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Drinking Water in Buenos Aires
You may think that drinking water in Buenos Aires is out of your league, and you don’t know where to even go. There is nowhere in the world that you cannot find pure water, which includes your own country. You can quickly get drinking water at home in Buenos Aires for under $1 a day. There are plenty of places to buy bottled water, but it is more like an infomercial than a natural water source.
I recently read an article about the chief economic planner of the South American country of Argentina, which is named Carlos Menzies. The author writes, “He told me that the chief economic adviser to the government of Buenos Aires estimated that in the next few years, in Pescador, and throughout the entire country, 60 percent of the water produced would come from solar sources.” He went on to say that this would be good for the economy because these water sources, “are very cheap, and also environmentally friendly.” This is the primary stream thinking of most people in the United States and other first-world countries.
Nevertheless, you should look into the Stiglitz comments in the inside documents. Yes, the water systems in Argentina will help create a better economy and reduce poverty. Now then, what do you think? Do you agree with the chief economic planner of Argentina that the water systems will be a significant benefit to the country?
Bottled Water in Buenos Aires
It is a well-known fact that in Argentina, there is a vast water industry, made up of about forty water companies that offer to their customer’s bottled water. While most people might think that it’s a good idea to get your drinking water from a water company, you should think again. Not only are most of these companies very poor, but they also use harsh chemicals and, even worse, lead to serious health problems. As a result, many people are turning towards bottled water in Buenos Aires as it has much more health benefits. In fact, I switched to it a few years ago, and I could hardly believe the difference. Here are a few reasons why you should drink bottled water in Buenos Aires.
Let’s face it: we all know that tap water in Buenos Aires has lots of contaminants, and you might have some of them on your hands every single day if you don’t drink the tap water. The reason is apparent: it’s just dirty. When you get a bottle, you can forget about all those contaminants, and you will be sure to get pure and clean water. So, in one way, you will be helping the environment as well. However, this doesn’t mean that bottled water in Buenos Aires will necessarily be better than regular water.
You should read lots of reviews to get all the information you need about the brands you’re interested in. Remember that a few companies out there have a nasty tendency to use inferior quality products and that they don’t offer a refund when you send the bottle back, so always read all the terms and conditions carefully before buying. You might even consider signing up for a subscription to get updates on new bottled water destinations and deals!
Buenos Aires Water
Urban integrated water management in Buenos Aires isn’t like most other cities in Latin America. Over the last several decades, more attention has been put on only a few sectors and even just one industry, often resulting in devastating floods that wipe out entire towns and villages. The situation is much the same as other Latin American countries that have seen rapid growth in recent decades but have also seen their water resources become depleted. As a result, these Latin American countries have seen a vast increase in the construction of new homes that include large hydroelectric dams. As the population continues to grow, the need for city planning and the regulation of water use is now more pressing than ever. In some parts of the country, particularly the states of Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, the problems are so severe that environmentalists have launched major lawsuits against builders. Although such suits have little to do with helping the environment, there has been little to no success in stopping large hydro dams.
The problems are similar in other Latin American countries, including Peru, Mexico City, Colombia, Bolivia, and Brazil. In addition to affecting the quality of life for thousands of people who live in areas prone to heavy rains and flooding, the construction of new homes has meant that more is required to build flood protection systems to help prevent disasters. Although it is true that a combination of different approaches is the most effective at preventing flooding in Latin America, there have been very few significant breakthroughs in the prevention of future disasters. However, with this realization, experts are now working on developing better solutions to flood problems by developing better flood protection infrastructure.
While large cities face flooding problems due to population growth, small rural areas have a problem with floods. As more people live in these rural areas, it is essential to find solutions to the issues arising from growing urbanization and the lack of affordable housing. The answer lies in improving the efficiency of the urban water management system, which can be done by better implementing the existing laws and policies. In addition to that, more emphasis should also be put on encouraging the development of green spaces and encouraging the development of flood control infrastructure in both urban and rural areas. The focus should also include developing new skills for flood protection in the different sectors of society, particularly in the small and inferior sectors of the community.
Mineral Water in Buenos Aires
There is mineral water in Buenos Aires but not nearly as much as in other Latin American countries. This may be that the water is obtained from the standard or “mountains” aquifer, which is underground and runs under the surface of the southern continent. It is not among the highest water sources per volume, but it is amongst the deepest, except the Great Plains aquifer. The city of Buenos Aires has a municipal supply, but the rest of the country depends on wells and springs to get their drinking water.
The problem is that most people do not know where their water comes from. It is treated at the municipal level but still doesn’t necessarily have the quality necessary for drinking water. Most cities and rural areas rely on rainwater to meet their ends. Even so, it is a limited resource. Water for bathing and washing is treated in private homes before being used, but even this is no guarantee against contamination with dirt, bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Latin American countries have so much trouble with clean drinking water because most of the groundwater is polluted. A separate system is used for domestic use that does not allow this to happen. The only way to be absolutely sure that your water is safe is by getting a faucet filter and drinking bottled water from that source. Latin American countries are dependent on exporting water to the United States and Europe to take whatever is available.
Source of Water in Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Río de la Plata provides the majority of the freshwater that is used in Buenos Aires. There is also access to high-quality groundwater that comes from high plains located in the region. People living on the outskirts of the city have excellent access to clean wells and water from efficient piping systems.
Buenos Aires Water Quality
Water is the essence of life, and in Buenos Aires, you can be sure that you are drinking pure, clean water at all times. The city of Buenos Aires was built upon the idea that all residents should have access to the best quality water available anywhere, which is why over 100 different water treatment plants have been made in this area alone. These plants can filter out all of the sediment and contaminants in your local water so that the water you take in is nothing but pure, healthy water. To make sure that you are taking in the safest and purest water possible, it is advised that you invest in a good tap water filter. Even if you live in the middle of nowhere and have to lug your filtered water up to your home, it is still a worthwhile investment – because you will never know when you might need it.
There are plenty of options available for tap water filtration in Buenos Aires, but one of the most popular options is the Water4Me system. This fantastic system uses an ion exchange system, meaning that not only will you be getting pure water, but the minerals that are naturally found in water are also being replaced by sodium and potassium. This process is fantastic for anyone trying to maintain their body’s water quality at all times. It also works great if you have health problems or are taking medication because the water will not harm these areas of the body as quickly as possible if the water wasn’t filtered.
With an excellent water quality like this, you won’t ever have to worry about going on vacation and drinking from a bottle or taking a shower where there is suspect water. It may seem like a luxury at first, but once you see how easy it is to keep your water in good condition, you’ll realize that it’s worth every cent. Water is such an essential part of your life that you should never take it for granted. Good water comes from good health, and with good health comes a long, happy life. Be sure to always use the freshest water possible and never settle for second best because you just might live to regret it.
Relative links:
FAQs about Buenos Aires Water

The estimated price of bottled water
$0.87 in USD (1.5-liter)
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
- Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
- Water Quality
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Buenos Aires, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Related FAQS
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.
Sources and Resources
Current Weather in Buenos Aires
BUENOS AIRES WEATHERSome of the Convenience Stores in Buenos Aires

- Minimarket Dique 3 SRL
- Florida
- La Fábrica
- Tatekosher
- Grandes Clásicos
- Shell Shop
- Drugstore âEl Gambaâ
- Manolo â Importador y Mayoris
- Barrio Ejercito de Los Andes F
- España 9
- Gangnam Express
- Golosinas
- Carrefour Express
- Tienda Tostón
- Super Express
- America Store
Estimated Price of Bottled Water
Volume | ARS | USD | EUR | GBP |
1.5-liter | $40 | $0.95 | â¬0.84 | £0.76 |