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Can You Drink Tap Water in Beijing?
No, tap water is not drinkable.
Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Beijing.
To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for China, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.
Beijing Tap Water
If you are traveling to China, you may have stopped to ask if you could try drinking tap water in Beijing. It may sound like a funny question because you know that they don’t have clean drinking water to begin with, but your trip has been arranged, and your luggage is waiting on the airplane. You had hoped that this would not affect your trip too much, but you are dying to know if it is okay. So, how is it treated?
It’s called tap water because it was initially supplied from the tap via a simple faucet installed for domestic use. However, it is recommended that you use an excellent purifier to rid your drinking water of any harmful impurities such as lead, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals such as lead. Heavy metals can result in issues such as brain damage, learning disabilities, and ADHD. Lead can remain in our bodies for years, so we must take precautions to avoid them at all costs.
Purifiers work by forcing water through a fine mesh screen to remove these harmful impurities. Many companies manufacture water purifiers, so look around before choosing one. It is also a good idea to get recommendations from people you know who have traveled to China. They can tell you more about the drinking water quality in different cities and even recommend a company to use if you have never traveled before. Drinking tap water in Beijing should be no problem, but make sure you protect yourself from its harmful effects first by using a good purifier.
Water in Beijing
If you are traveling to China, you may have stopped to ask if you could try drinking tap water in Beijing. It may sound like a funny question because you know that they don’t have clean drinking water to begin with, but your trip has been arranged, and your luggage is waiting on the airplane. You had hoped that this would not affect your trip too much, but you are dying to know if it is okay. So, how is it treated?
It’s called tap water because it was initially supplied from the tap via a simple faucet installed for domestic use. However, it is recommended that you use an excellent purifier to rid your drinking water of any harmful impurities such as lead, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals such as lead. Heavy metals can result in issues such as brain damage, learning disabilities, and ADHD. Lead can remain in our bodies for years, so we must take precautions to avoid them at all costs.
Purifiers work by forcing water through a fine mesh screen to remove these harmful impurities. Many companies manufacture water purifiers, so look around before choosing one. It is also a good idea to get recommendations from people you know who have traveled to China. They can tell you more about the drinking water quality in different cities and even recommend a company to use if you have never traveled before. Drinking tap water in Beijing should be no problem, but make sure you protect yourself from its harmful effects first by using a good purifier.
Beijing Drinking Water
In my travels, I have been to many cities across the globe. One of the world’s cities that ranks highest in my list of favorite cities to visit is Beijing, China. Beijing, the capital of China, is a fantastic city to visit and explore. It has a unique history as it was only during the past thousand years ago that it was developed. During this period, the city of Beijing experienced rapid development and urbanization. As a result, many people do not realize the importance of having a good filtration system when traveling to Beijing.
The Beijing drinking water supply is highly populated. Thus, there are hundreds of different types of contaminants that can be found in the water that emanates from the city. There are many factories in the city that discharge pollutants into the atmosphere as they make their way to the sky. As these factories continue to operate, they release dangerous chemicals into the air that we breathe. To help alleviate this problem, large numbers of industries around the city are using filtration systems. However, the problem with using a filtration system to purify the drinking water in Beijing is that it is costly and does not permanently remove all of the toxins and contaminants that are in the air.
A better option for those who want clean drinking water in Beijing is to purchase an air purification system. An air purification system will remove all of the toxins and contaminants that are in the air. Still, it also removes odor and any odors that could be associated with the water. These air purifying systems are available in stores and can be purchased online. In addition to filtering the water, you can also use the system to cover up any bathroom smells by placing a cover over your pipes that come into your home.
Beijing Bottled Water
Beating Beijing’s heat, China has been an ongoing battle for years between environmentalists and city planners. In the past decade, Beijing has increasingly become a hub for tourism. It hosts one of the most important international events of the year: the Beijing Olympics. With all this going on, the water consumption rate in Beijing is also on the rise, causing serious concerns about its health effects for the city’s citizens and the long-term viability of the Chinese bottled water industry. The authorities have been quick to clamp down on this boom in the sector, raiding water bottle producing companies on numerous occasions and putting onerous restrictions on how they are sold and their use. The result is that there are only a handful of places in the entire capital where you can get free tap water. The quality of this water is inferior at best.
One of the main problems with Beijing bottled water is that many of the authorities’ tap water sources are considered unreliable. Some experts believe that it is not a real option at all – that the quality of the water is so poor that the use of bottled water in the city makes no sense. There is no question that Beijing’s drinking water is vastly inferior to that found in many other cities worldwide. Still, the officials have done little to rectify the situation. Instead, the authorities have continued increasing water prices and making it more challenging to consume. In some cases, the city has capped the number of liters of water purchased for a single person. Given these circumstances, it has become necessary for people living in the capital to find other means of getting their daily drinking water.
The best way to get reliable and affordable tap water is from a company that sells quality bottled water. Many such companies in Beijing have provided the city with water that has the exact taste and quality that people are used to getting from city water. For example, many brands offer filtered water, some with added minerals, that will help improve the taste and make the water less harsh, thus more enjoyable for the drinking experience.
Beijing Water Quality
Beijing water quality is an issue that is attracting the attention of a lot of people in China. With the number of water pollution cases rising, the government has made it a priority to improve the water quality at all possible places. But as you know, China has one of the most extensive water masses in the world. To protect Beijing residents, they have introduced a series of methods that have produced mixed results. If you plan to use one of these methods to deal with your drinking water, then there are a few essential facts that you should know before proceeding any further. This article will enlighten you about some of China’s most polluted cities and the methods adopted to tackle the problem.
Beijing’s capital is an excellent hub for transportation in China, so the pollution there is bound to spread to other cities, creating another headache for Beijing’s residents. One of the most prevalent methods that are used to tackle pollution in the city is the use of water purification. It is an effective solution that you can use when you want to get rid of all the harmful bacteria and harmful chemicals that can be found in tap water. However, the use of water purification systems in Beijing can be quite expensive, and not everyone can afford them. Not even every day, a new case of polluted water gets reported. Many people are questioning the level of awareness that the general public has about water quality.
So, what is the solution? There is a simple way to combat water quality problems in Beijing, and that is by using water purifiers and filters. They are practical, cheap, and are very easy to maintain. The primary source of contamination in Beijing is the massive amount of factories that sprout up every year everywhere. Using toxic chemicals that are not declared to the municipal authorities, these factories dump large quantities of harmful effluence into the city’s rivers and lakes, which causes the water quality to become severely compromised.
What do people in Beijing think about the tap water?
Don’t drink the tap water or eat ice. Bottled water (but check the seal is not broken on the cap), soft drinks, alcohol and drinks made from boiled water (tea, coffee) are fine.

The estimated price of bottled water
$0.69 in USD (1.5-liter)
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
- Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
- Water Quality
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Beijing, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Related FAQS
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.