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Is Bordeaux Tap Water Safe To Drink?

Yes! Generally Safe to Drink*

LAST UPDATED: 12:53 pm, April 8, 2021

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Can You Drink Tap Water in Bordeaux?

Yes, tap water is drinkable.

Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Bordeaux.

To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for France, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.

The bottled water in Bordeaux is often sold under different names, as well as with a variety of other ingredients. This can make it a little confusing, but the truth is that Bordeaux France tap water is actually really good, and most of the bottles are not real.

If you are thinking about buying bottled water in Bordeaux, keep in mind that tap water from this region is usually fairly clean, as is being sold to us in the United States. The only real threat is if you buy tap water in the US that has been improperly purged or chlorinated, which could be very dangerous.

One of the best things about Bordeaux tap water is that most people get rid of the chlorine and other chemicals found in tap water by making their own at home. There are kits available that will help you do this. You can find these kits at your local home improvement store, or even on the Internet.

The water coming out of the taps at restaurants in Bordeaux is treated at the tap

The estimated price of bottled water

$0.76 in USD (1.5-liter)


Bordeaux tap water
  • Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility 28% Low
  • Water Pollution 39% Low
  • Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility 72% High
  • Water Quality 61% High

The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Bordeaux, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).

Related FAQS


Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.

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