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Can You Drink Tap Water in Da Nang?
Yes, tap water is drinkable.
Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Da Nang.
To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for Vietnam, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.
Da Nang Tap Water
If you have recently read about the contaminants and toxic heavy metals that can be found in Da Nang tap water, then you may want to learn more about a company that provides “pure” Da Nang tap water. Of course, the only problem with this is that there is no such thing as “pure.” Anything pure is not.
When you buy bottled water, in many cases, what you are really buying is a product that was processed under very high temperatures so that it had a light, clear appearance. In the same way, distilled or “free” tap water is not really free – it is merely de-mineralized! (That is, it lacks minerals.) When you use a distillation procedure to remove impurities from your tap water, you end up with a product that has been cooked at a higher temperature, with no nutrients left in the water at all.
Why would anyone use this type of water for drinking or cooking? The truth is, if you have health problems, you should use tap water only to make sure you stay healthy. Otherwise, you have done the reverse of what you are trying to do! You’ve gotten rid of the toxins, but now you are creating new health problems for yourself by allowing them to build up again! It’s like putting band-aids over an open wound – you’ll just get another one!
Da Nang Water Supply
The Da Nang water supply pipeline is a major new installation in the Mekong Delta region of central Vietnam. The massive project is the Mekong River Commission (MRC) brainchild, a governmental agency responsible for the water management and protection of the Mekong Delta region. It will be the biggest single construction project in the entire history of the Mekong Delta. The MRC is currently undergoing planning stages for the phases of the pipeline, which should be complete by the end of 2021. The massive Mekong Delta pipeline will span about 400 kilometers, but the completion date is uncertain.
A key component in completing the pipeline is the Mekong River Power Scheme (MMPS), which involves developing several desalination plants that will generate electricity and provide water services to the urban poor. In terms of pricing, prices are expected to be competitive with most other Vietnam desalination plants. An examination of pricing in Da Nang shows that the prices do not rely solely on the quality of the product and the tariffs charged for its use. For example, some taxes are so costly that only the most prominent companies will afford them. These include Da Nang Phuens, a significant rice mill located in the commune of Voi Nang; Thuy Tu Temple, a famous religious monument located in Thuy Tu; and Phu Myin Tuan, a former shrimp port situated in the commune of Mukdahan.
The Mekong Delta water sector is vital to Vietnam’s economy, but it has remained a developing country with many obstacles to overcome. The Mekong Delta has faced numerous environmental problems, including chemical dumping by foreign companies, damage caused by rising sea levels, and difficulties associated with damming and flooding. Many of these issues are still being solved, and efforts by the Vietnamese government and international agencies are focused on ensuring that the water remains safe for both humans and animals. Meanwhile, the water supply offered by the Da Nang plant represents a step forward in Vietnam’s efforts to ensure that rural communities benefit from better living standards. While this may not help poor households much, it is a step in the right direction.
Bottled Water in Da Nang
Bottled water in Da Nang, Vietnam, is a smart option for travelers to choose from. Da Nang, which means “The Nest of Women,” is situated on the banks of the Mekong River and is located about two hours from Hanoi’s city center. Many Vietnamese women migrate to regions like Da Nang to find work due to the country’s shortage of jobs. Women work long days cleaning rice paddies and long evenings washing clothes. Water is one of the most essential necessities for these women.
Visitors spend approximately d80, on average, per day on bottled water in Da Nang. The water from the Da Nang dam can be purchased from many local vendors. However, this water quality is not regulated as it is from a reservoir that does not have a controlling system. Therefore, the water from the Da Nang dam is considered unsafe to drink.
Most tourists to Vietnam realize that the best way to satisfy one’s thirst is to visit the country’s largest water bottling plant located in Hanoi’s city center. Da Nang offers a beautiful array of water, including filtered and unfiltered varieties. Hanoi dating sites have developed a following among foreign men who visit Da Nang and seek Vietnamese ladies for dates or friendship. If you are interested in finding a date, be sure to visit the VN Cultural Village and the Da Nang Lady Museum.
Drinking Water in Da Nang
The long, hot summers in Vietnam are famous for their hot, refreshing drinking water. Unlike many other countries around the world, the water in Vietnam is safe to drink. However, as well as being safe to drink, it also has a unique taste, and you may find that you prefer to sip on a cold bottle of Vietnamese water rather than drinking water from plastic bottles. When visiting Da Nang, Vietnam, you will be able to sample a wide range of different local drinks such as Vietnamese coffee, spring water, and even ice cream. If you like to visit the local market in Da Nang, you will often be able to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, dried fruit and fish, and local crafts and ceramics.
It may seem strange to choose bottled water over tap water when on holiday in Vietnam, but it can be an essential choice if you want to stay healthy. While many countries have seen significant increases in the number of people using bottled water, including the UK, you may find that bottled water is more restricted in Vietnam. In fact, if you visit Da Nang, Vietnam, you may find that most bottled water is provided by the city’s water treatment center. If you find that you are not offered tap water when you are staying at one of the guest houses, try asking whether or not they provide bottled water.
As well as enjoying the fresh, filtered water supplied by the bottled water companies in Vietnam, you may find that your tastes are enhanced by enjoying local cuisine. Vietnamese cuisine uses fresh herbs, vegetables, rice, and fish to prepare meals. Unlike many countries worldwide, the taste of Vietnamese food cannot be easily overpowered by American solid or European cuisine. As well as enjoying the delicious local food, you may find that your stay in Vietnam is made more enjoyable by the unique taste of bottled water.
Da Nang Water Safety
Da Nang Water Safety Company in Vietnam is a manufacturer of filter systems specifically made for the safe consumption of freshwater. Da Nang is one of the leading companies in Vietnam, which deals in water purification and filtration systems. In addition to the water filter systems, they also manufacture other related products like the bottle containing filtered water. Another product they produce is the bottled water that can be taken on trips. The bottled water can also be used for camping trips and when traveling to foreign countries.
The main characteristic of Da Nang water safety is its high-quality system that not only prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms but also reduces the burden on the filters. This system also ensures the safe consumption of water. This company produces high-quality water that can be used for drinking and cooking. It also provides the right amount of minerals to maintain the health of the users.
They have been making filters for over 40 years and are considered an industry leader. The Da Nang water safety filter system meets all the necessary safety standards. This company ensures that the water you drink and use is of the highest quality possible. You can quickly get this filter system from any reliable store or place an order online.

The estimated price of bottled water
$0.47 in USD (1.5-liter)
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
- Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
- Water Quality
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Da Nang, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Related FAQS
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.