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Can You Drink Tap Water in Hanoi?
No, tap water is not drinkable.
Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Hanoi.
To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for Vietnam, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.
Hanoi Tap Water
Hanoi tap water is said to be safe for consumption as long as you do not get the water from one of the major rivers that run through the city. When I was living in Hanoi many years ago, I remember going out to the bays on the north coast and paddling along the many small canals that lead into the calm and relatively tame delta. As the water flowed over rocks and into the delta, it was a very refreshing change of pace from the city’s grinding traffic and chaotic conditions. The water from the river was also used for rice and other agricultural produce during the civil unrest and even afterward.
So, is Hanoi tap water safe? This is a question on many peoples’ lips. Of course, drinking tap water is not a health risk, but then again, where is the health risk in drinking Hanoi tap water? The fact is that for every bucket of water you drink, you are potentially putting thousands of harmful toxins into your body. These include carcinogenic chemicals like benzene and phosphorus, heavy metals such as lead and mercury, and a myriad of bacteria and parasites. Although these chemicals can be removed by distillation, reverse osmosis, or other processes, no method is known as 100% safe.
This is especially true in Hanoi’s large-scale water pollution, which comes from all the factories and power plants that litter the city. Hanoi suffers a myriad of diseases brought on by the toxic air and water that pollute the city every day. This has led to massive demonstrations against the poor water standard being produced in Hanoi and throughout Vietnam. Hopefully, the situation will soon change because the pollution of Vietnam is not getting any better despite the international community’s efforts to clean up the problems. In the meantime, make sure that you are filtering your Hanoi tap water yourself if you are planning on taking it anywhere. It is far more cost-effective and convenient to bring your water with you than paying large amounts of money to have it clean.
Hanoi Water Quality
How to ensure Hanoi water quality is a significant concern for those living in the area and the foreign tourists who visit the city. The water is said to be the cleanest in Asia after Tokyo and has the dubious honor of being the world’s filthiest city. Indeed, Hanoi’s water is so contaminated that it poses severe threats to the health and safety of those residents who have no access to safe water sources. So how did the quality of Hanoi water come about?
Many of the most common water contaminants in Hanoi water are mentioned below. Chlorine is said to be the number one most common contaminant, followed by petroleum and pesticides. It is believed that the high levels of chlorine and petroleum are caused by industrial waste and sewage and then by animal feces. Animal droppings are commonly found in Hanoi’s lakebeds and may be a factor in causing the high levels of contamination in the city’s water supply. Heavy metals such as lead and mercury are also found, along with several different chemical contaminants.
According to the World Health Organization, water quality standards for Hanoi are high, which is why there are so many problems with Hanoi water. If you want to drink tap water in Hanoi, the best option is to use an ultra-filtration system. An ultra-filtration system will filter the water first, removing any pollutants before it even reaches your faucet. You’ll find that Hanoi water is very fresh and clean, although if you’re not used to drinking pure water, it can still be quite harsh. If you decide to drink Hanoi water, you can soften it with a few drops of olive oil or add some lemon to sweeten it up.
Contaminated Water in Hanoi
Water is an essential commodity for human consumption, so it becomes hazardous when contaminated with chemicals or other contaminants. In Hanoi, water can become contaminated through different means, such as from factories and other places where industrial waste and dirt are stored, via water tanks and pipes, which may have been broken or washed away during sewage disposal or may have run over in the street. If you suspect that you may have come into contact with contaminated water, you should report it to the Ministry of Health. They recommend that you use potable (low-potable) water whenever possible. You may also ask a doctor for advice on how to best approach the situation. Several treatment plants have been set up in the city to provide clean, safe water to residents to be assured that there is no risk whatsoever to their health.
The most common and easy way to detect contaminated water is to simply put a drop of water on your finger and taste it. If the water stench is detected immediately, you should take steps to get rid of the water as soon as possible; however, if the water does not show any stench, you may consume the water without any adverse effect. However, it is recommended that you discard the water you detect on your finger immediately by boiling or using a pressure washer. If you cannot get rid of the water yourself, you should seek help from a professional who can help purify the water and advise you on the best approach to taking.
Water from your tap may also be contaminated due to runoff from your surrounding area and can reach your house through these waterways. To ensure that the water does not enter your home through an unknown source, you should invest in a filtration system. You should make sure that the filtration technology you use can cope with the level of contamination present in the local water supply and remove any impurities. An ultraviolet light source is another option to deal with contaminated water. These methods will ensure that the water is purified before it reaches your house and will ensure that you enjoy clean and safe tap water at all times.
Hanoi Drinking Water
There are many places where the quality of Hanoi drinking water is a significant concern. The Mekong Delta in Vietnam is contaminated with discharges from nearby logging operations. Because of this, there are high levels of contamination in the water for anyone to drink. Plus, farmers who use herbicides and pesticides run off into the delta, and the water in this body of water becomes even more toxic. In other areas in Vietnam, like the central part of the Ha Long Bay, the water is cleaner but still is far from safe.
When you think about the health risks of drinking this water, they are severe. There have been several hepatitis, diarrhea, and stomach cancer cases among locals, and these are not isolated incidents. A study done in the US and UK found these same contaminants in samples taken from homes across Vietnam. One estimate states that up to 38% of the soil in Vietnam contains harmful bacteria and carcinogenic compounds.
Another big problem is that Hanoi’s treatment facility facilities do not disinfect the water coming into the area. Meaning, you can take bottled water out of the country, and in the next day, you could be putting it back on the shelf. The water treatment centers do not disinfect the water, which allows the microorganisms, parasites, and chemicals to go into the water. The best thing to do is invest in a purification system for your home so you can enjoy clean drinking water.
Hanoi Water Supply
The most recent phase of water resource management is the Hanoi Water Supply project. This plan was released to address the growing Hanoi’s need for potable water. This plan aims to supply healthy and clean drinking water to all citizens. Since the water sources are still depleted, it is up to us to conserve and reuse the existing references to increase the water resource. Through this plan, the authorities can promote better water use and pollution prevention.
Provide information to the public and the international community in Hanoi about drinking water safety. Determine harmful chemicals and contamination levels in Hanoi’s water supply. Other parameters tested: total coliform, cystitis, hardness, iron, fecal coliform, bladder cancer, and benzene level.
Sampling sites for testing Hanoi’s water quality were located in Ban Me Tho National Park, Lao Minh City, Central Vietnam, Ngoc Son County, and Ho Chi Minh City. The water samples were drawn at random from taps throughout the city. The water quality was tested using specific standards recommended by UNESCO and other international agencies. These standards ensure that the water meets basic human health requirements. According to UNESCO, the water should not contain any harmful microorganisms. Hanoi has achieved an excellent ranking among cities in terms of water supplies.
Hanoi Bottled Water
Hanoi bottled water is a well-known company, but why does it seem like they only offer standard water that we drink from our taps at home? There must be some other services that they offer, or why would you need to purchase this bottled water compared to the available municipal ones available? I’ve read many articles online that seem to question Hanoi Bottled Water’s quality, so I decided to do a little research myself to see if I could find the truth. My findings were somewhat surprising, and although it certainly didn’t square with the stories I read online, I can say that their water quality did live up to my expectations.
My Hanoi Bottled Water experience was somewhat unique in that I bought a bottle of Lao Mein Water that comes in a 1-liter bottle. I chose this particular Hanoi bottled water because I had read many positive reviews about it. Since I live in the mountains, where the water is naturally clear and clean, I figured it would be something of a miracle for me. What I found is that not only is the water clean, but it also tastes great!
I would recommend this Hanoi bottled water to anyone who lives in a city or is exposed to pollutants and contaminants. I’ve drunk tap water from many places, and while it has been clean and clear, the taste has always been a bit off-putting. I’m so glad that I settled for Hanoi water, as it has given me many benefits beyond just drinking safe water.
Hanoi Water Safety
When it comes to Hanoi water safety, the first thing that comes to mind is cleanliness. But what of the safety regulations for Hanoi water quality? The Mekong River runs through Hanoi’s city, and there are at least two water treatment plants along the way that can treat the river. However, there are worries about the water quality in these plants. Many residents do not trust the treatment systems, and some even think that they are unnatural.
When you arrive at the airport in Hanoi, you will notice many water safety cafes and restaurants just a few steps away from the airport that provides travelers with information on where to go if they want to get cleaned up before traveling. Many people who live in Hanoi do not trust the treatment facilities or the government regarding Hanoi water safety. For their part, they have been used to poor living conditions in Vietnam. They are used to people returning from that war, who cannot speak the language fluently and yet drink contaminated water, use un-boiled salt water for food, and do not wear waterproof shoes to protect their feet. If you are one of them, the first thing you need to do is learn more about the environment around you and how to protect yourself.
Another primary concern about Hanoi water safety is pollution. There have been reports of the use of un-boiled fish and other contaminated fish for human consumption and the drinking of raw sewage and rainwater. You may not like to think of Hanoi’s pollution, but the reality is that it happens every day. To avoid any health risks such as those described above, remember to bring bottled water wherever you go. If the nearest restaurant offers a water purification system, use it. You can also purchase an inexpensive water filter online to get you clean, purified water wherever you go in Hanoi.

The estimated price of bottled water
$0.53 in USD (1.5-liter)
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
- Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
- Water Quality
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Hanoi, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Related FAQS
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.