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Can You Drink Tap Water in Kolkata?
No, tap water is not drinkable.
Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Kolkata.
To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for India, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.
Kolkata Tap Water
The chief problem of public water supply in Kolkata is that most of the city’s water sources are treated using chemicals harmful to human consumption. Water from the reservoir and private taps are generally safe but not as good as Kolkata tap water. Even though many major cities of India have started using filters for drinking water, the majority still don’t have it. The public water systems of Kolkata are yet to find a way to treat the contaminated water and provide pure drinking water. Many health problems are being faced by millions of people living in Kolkata who consume contaminated tap water daily.
There are several causes for the contamination of drinking water in Kolkata. Most of the contamination is caused by fecal waste entering the drains after the day’s work. Industrial wastes, chemicals used in factories, and oil released by fuel processing plants are the worst culprits. Other pollutants include pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, petroleum products, benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), etc.
However, there is still hope. The government is taking necessary steps to purify the existing supply of water in the city. However, the process is slowly moving. Some major hurdles need to be overcome before Kolkata can be declared free from tap water pollution. A slow but steady effort by the government and the private sector is required to reduce the environmental hazards caused by wastewater. Without that, the residents of Kolkata will face even more dangers when consuming water.
Kolkata Drinking Water
Do you know that your home is not safe enough from the possible contamination of Kolkata drinking water? Let’s have a look at some of the most deadly and life-threatening contaminants that can be present in the drinking supply of this most glorious city. You cannot afford to have these pollutants in your body. Hence, you need to start using a Kolkata drinking water filter and provide safe water for all your family members.
Most of the city’s water comes from three main sources. The main water supply is acquired through the taps of the residential homes, which private companies provide. The second source is through the main water pipelines that are fixed beneath the surface of the ground. The third and last source is through the reservoirs constructed near the rivers and lakes in the city. If any of these three sources are polluted with contaminants, the consequences can be fatal and even irreversible. The first two sources are treated but not very effectively, while the last one is not treated.
If you want to have safe drinking water, you should never compromise on water quality. This is the only way to ensure that you don’t fall sick due to drinking contaminated water. So you should always buy drinking water from well-known brands that are always manufactured in the best possible conditions. This will not only give you peace of mind but also keep you away from health complications.
Kolkata Water Supply
The Kolkata water supply and sewage plant have been established on a fairly large scale in the early 19th century. A small city, Kolkata was chosen as a place by the British for its natural hydropower potential. In the late 1800s, however, India began to experience massive population growth due to the advent of railroad construction. The demand for more rural land increased as well. So the British started a program to build a sewer system throughout the entire country. From this point on, all of the existing towns and cities of Kolkata that did not already have these systems built were required to upgrade their sewage systems to provide for the growing needs of the growing population.
During the late part of the First World War, the German Military had become involved in the construction of new cities and industrial centers across India. When this happened, the drainage basins of the cities were no longer able to carry the amount of water they used to. At this point, the Indian government became involved and invested heavily in improving the Kolkata water supply. The efforts were largely successful. Today, the groundwater recharge area of the entire country has been greatly expanded due to work done during this time.
The biggest improvement to the Kolkata water supply took place when a new type of the pumping machine was invented. This new pumping machine is known as the gravity flow system. It operates much like a standard conveyor belt. Still, instead of being powered by people or engines, it works based on gravity. This allows for much more efficient pumping of water through the city’s pipes, and the risk of contamination is significantly reduced. Today, most major cities throughout India have gravity flow systems and sewage pumping plants. They are both essential to the productivity of the Indian economy and help ensure that the water supply remains safe and clean.
Water in Kolkata
Water is essential to life. Water is a necessity that cannot be taken for granted. That is why we have water reservoirs in different parts of the country to use the people. When you go to a town like Kolkata, you will see a huge water reservoir that serves as the main source of water supply for that particular town no matter where you go. The water reservoir has to be filled up from time to time with water from the reservoir to be used for all the domestic and commercial purposes. Several water reservoirs have been built in Kolkata; some of these water reservoirs are very old. Some of them are new and have just been built recently. There are many water reservoirs in Kolkata, and they cover all the major places where there is water available.
The oldest water reservoir in Kolkata is the Botanical reservoir built-in 1900 by a philanthropist called Swami Subhas Chandra Bose. He wanted to build a reservoir in Kolkata because he wanted his garden to have water in it. Since then, the name of the reservoir has changed from Botanical to Medical. The medical school is located in this reservoir, and hence the name. There are also many other good and beautiful reservoirs worldwide. They have been built very recently and are being used every day. The Government keeps on building new reservoirs and regularly adds to them to not run out of water.
These reservoirs are used for drinking water, bathing water, and cooking purposes. They are pumped out once every day or every fortnight, depending upon the demand. The rural areas don’t use the water provided by the reservoir and use the rainwater collected every day for their daily purpose. But most of the people who live near the lakes and reservoirs have their house water supply that is used for all the household purposes. The Government and private agencies keep on supplying water daily so that there is no water shortage in Kolkata. Since water is so essential, everybody uses it, and nothing should be missed out in terms of supply.

The estimated price of bottled water
$0.38 in USD (1.5-liter)
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
- Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
- Water Quality
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Kolkata, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Related FAQS
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.