Table of Contents
1) How do People In Argentina Rate The Tap Water?2) Can you drink the tap water in Argentina?3) What do people in Argentina think about the tap water?4) Wikitravel5) Sources and ResourcesHow do People In Argentina Rate The Tap Water?
Travellers and residents of Argentina have rated the water quality and pollution as follows, according to subjective survey data. A score of 100% is considered very high, and a score of 0% is very low. Please be cautious that "moderate to very high" water pollution is bad and the higher the rate of water quality the better.
Can you drink the tap water in Argentina?
The US Center for Disease Control's travel advisory recommends avoiding tap water and drinking bottled or disinfected water in Argentina (source). Like all countries though, water accessibility, sanitation, and treatment vary widely from location to location, so we encourage looking for specific city information.
What do people in Argentina think about the tap water?
Argentina is a modern country with good health and dental services. Sanitation and hygiene at restaurants is relatively high, and tap water is generally safe to drink throughout the country. If you want to make sure, ask ‘¿Se puede tomar el agua de la canilla?’ (Is the tap water drinkable?).
Visiting Argentina doesn't raise any major health worries. Certain vaccinations may be necessary for visitors, depending on where in Argentina you plan to visit. Yellow Fever vaccinations are recommended for those visiting the Northern forests. Different climate conditions might take your body by surprise, so be aware of the weather before you arrive. A bout of travellers' diarrhea is the most you're likely to have to worry about as your body adjusts to local micro-organisms in the food. It's also best to ease yourself gently into the local diet – sudden quantities of red meat, red wine, strong coffee and sweet pastries can be very unsettling for a stomach used to gentler repasts – and though tap water in Argentina is safe to drink, if sometimes heavily chlorinated, you may prefer to err on the side of caution in rural areas in the north of the country.
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility 30% Low
- Water Pollution 55% Moderate
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility 70% High
- Water Quality 45% Moderate
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in , measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.
Sources and Resources
Check tap water safety of cities in the Argentina
- Abra Pampa
- Adrogue
- Aldo Bonzi
- Allen
- Alta Gracia
- Alto Rio Senguer
- Alumine
- Anatuya
- Aristobulo del Valle
- Avellaneda
- Azul
- Bahia Blanca
- Balcarce
- Baradero
- Bell Ville
- Benito Juarez
- Berazategui
- Berisso
- Bernal
- Bragado
- Buenos Aires
- Burzaco
- Cachi
- Cafayate
- Caleta Olivia
- Calingasta
- Camarones
- Campana
- Canada de Gomez
- Capilla del Monte
- Carhue
- Caseros
- Casilda
- Castelar
- Castelli
- Catamarca
- Catriel
- Cerrillos
- Chacabuco
- Chajari
- Chamical
- Charata
- Chascomus
- Chepes
- Chicoana
- Chilecito
- Chivilcoy
- Choele Choel
- Chos Malal
- Chumbicha
- Cinco Saltos
- Ciudad General Belgrano
- Comallo
- Comandante Fontana
- Comandante Luis Piedra Buena
- Comodoro Rivadavia
- Concepcion del Uruguay
- Coronel Dorrego
- Coronel Suarez
- Corrientes
- Cosquin
- Cruz del Eje
- Cutral-Co
- Darregueira
- Dean Funes
- Dock Sur
- Don Bosco
- El Bolson
- El Calafate
- El Maiten
- El Talar de Pacheco
- Eldorado
- Esperanza
- Esquel
- Esteban Echeverria
- Ezpeleta
- Florencio Varela
- Formosa
- Frias
- Frontera
- Gaiman
- Gastre
- General Conesa
- General Juan Madariaga
- General Levalle
- General Martin Miguel de Guemes
- General Pico
- Gobernador Galvez
- Gobernador Gregores
- Godoy Cruz
- Gonzalez Catan
- Goya
- Gualeguay
- Gualeguaychu
- Guillermo E. Hudson
- Haedo
- Humahuaca
- Ingeniero Guillermo N. Juarez
- Ingeniero Jacobacci
- Isidro Casanova
- Jesus Maria
- Jesus Nazareno
- Joaquin V. Gonzalez
- Jose C. Paz
- Jose Maria Ezeiza
- Jose Marmol
- Junin
- La Banda
- La Calera
- La Cumbre
- La Falda
- La Plata
- La Quiaca
- La Reja
- La Rioja
- Laboulaye
- Lanus
- Laprida
- Las Heras
- Las Lajas
- Las Lomitas
- Libertad
- Libertador General San Martin
- Lobos
- Lomas del Mirador
- Longchamps
- Los Antiguos
- Los Blancos
- Los Polvorines
- Lujan
- Malargue
- Mar de Ajo
- Mar del Plata
- Marcos Juarez
- Mendoza
- Merlo
- Mina Clavero
- Monte Chingolo
- Monte Quemado
- Munro
- Necochea
- Neuquen
- Nueve de Julio
- Obera
- Olavarria
- Pampa del Infierno
- Parana
- Paso de los Libres
- Pedro Luro
- Pergamino
- Perito Moreno
- Pico Truncado
- Pinamar
- Posadas
- Presidencia Roque Saenz Pena
- Puerto Deseado
- Puerto Iguazu
- Puerto Madryn
- Puerto Piramides
- Punta Alta
- Quilmes
- Rafael Calzada
- Rafael Castillo
- Rafaela
- Ramos Mejia
- Rawson
- Reconquista
- Remedios de Escalada
- Resistencia
- Rinconada
- Rio Colorado
- Rio Cuarto
- Rio Gallegos
- Rio Mayo
- Rio Segundo
- Rio Tercero
- Rodeo
- Rufino
- Salta
- San Antonio Oeste
- San Antonio de Areco
- San Antonio de los Cobres
- San Carlos de Bariloche
- San Clemente del Tuyu
- San Francisco Solano
- San Isidro
- San Jose de Jachal
- San Julian
- San Justo
- San Lorenzo
- San Marcos Sierras
- San Martin
- San Martin de los Andes
- San Miguel de Tucuman
- San Nicolas de los Arroyos
- San Ramon de la Nueva Oran
- San Salvador de Jujuy
- Santa Fe
- Santiago del Estero
- Sarandi
- Sarmiento
- Sierra Colorada
- Sunchales
- Susques
- Tablada
- Tafi del Valle
- Tandil
- Tapiales
- Tartagal
- Telsen
- Temperley
- Termas de Rio Hondo
- Tilcara
- Tinogasta
- Trancas
- Trelew
- Tres Arroyos
- Trevelin
- Tunuyan
- Ushuaia
- Uspallata
- Veinticinco de Mayo
- Veintiocho de Noviembre
- Venado Tuerto
- Vera
- Vicente Lopez
- Victorica
- Viedma
- Villa Adelina
- Villa Alsina
- Villa Angela
- Villa Carlos Paz
- Villa Celina
- Villa Constitucion
- Villa Dominico
- Villa General Belgrano
- Villa Gesell
- Villa Luzuriaga
- Villa Maria
- Villa Mercedes
- Villa Regina
- Villa Rumipal
- Villa Sarmiento
- Villa la Angostura
- Villaguay
- Villalonga
- Wilde
- Yacimiento Rio Turbio
- Yapeyu
- Zapala
- Zarate